Monarch Curriculum

Below is a glimpse into our learning environment here at Monarch!

TEKS Aligned

Our curriculum, much like other local schools in the community, is completely aligned with the TEKS. A TEKS aligned curriculum sets our students up with the foundational knowledge to be prepared for grade advancement and ultimately college. The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or TEKS describe what students should know and be able to master at the end of each grade level. Student expectations are identifed and provide in-depth details to the specific knowledge and skills that enrolled students must demonstrate. Aside from being TEKS aligned our curriculum will also include material approved and recommended by Texas Education Agency from the current Instructional Materials Adoption Bulletin. 


Project Based Learning or PBL according to Buck Institute for Education is “a method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. Projects are focused on students learning goals and include the following Essential Project Design Elements:

Key Knowledge, Understanding, and Success Skills 

Challenging Problem or Question 

Sustained Inquiry 


Student Voice & Choice 


Critique & Revision 

Project Based Learning aspects of our curriculum will allow students to engage in high-level processing for real world applications.

Classical Education

The history of this style of education focuses particularly on Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome during the time known as classical antiquity, spanning roughly from the Ancient Greek Bronze Age in 1000 BC to the Late Antiquity circa 500 AD. This specific approach to engaging scholars in academics emphasizes the truth that all learning is unified. This means that every subject has relevance for every other subject, and thus the well-trained mind looks for the core principles of wisdom from which it can learn all later knowledge. Our classical education approach focuses on a specific method of instruction that recognizes that all learning is built upon previous learning and that students learn in a hierarchical manner.

Socratic Learning- The process of guiding scholars to an understanding of an idea or concept through carefully planned observations, narrative, and questions

The great philosopher Plato writes about his mentor Socrates, recording conversations he holds with other supposedly wise individuals of Ancient Athens. Socrates was an unconventional philosopher of his time. Compared to the way his contemporaries defended arguments at all costs, Socrates leads rigorous dialogues in quest of the truth. He strives to take different premises his interlocutor accepts and civilly demonstrates how they contradict each other. This way, the statement that his partner had originally made can be refined based on the new discovery the two of them had found. Instructors using this method engages the scholar by asking questions that provoke deep reflection that often raises other questions. By asking questions of the class, the teacher helps students to form the habit of asking questions of wondering about a topic for himself or herself. Overall, this style of learning is a dialogue between individuals, where our students ask and answer questions to stimulate critical thinking and draw out underlying presumptions.

Proposed Enrichment Activities for the ‘23-’24 School Year


Tap Dance

Music Theory






Flag Football

*All students are required to take Spanish/French for the ‘23-‘24 school year.

“Since inception, Monarch’s focus has been to foster an atmosphere where students, parents, staff, and community members work together to create a family environment for our learners and we intend on continuing that focus. ”

— Billy Brown Founder Monarch Education